Mind Graph

Hello 👋🏻

Welcome to my notes. Use the links to explore the contents of this repository, you can use the graph button above to visualise the contents as a network of interconnected nodes and explore that way.

The Knowledge Graph

The Knowledge Graph project is an experiment about creating an interconnected [[atomic]] knowledge repository which can be used to visualise the relationships between ideas, observations, thoughts, and facts. This has been inspired by the popular [[zettelkasten]] method of knowledge work and Andy Matuschak’s Notes.

The entries in this repository have no particular theme or focus, instead they are meant to cover a wide array of topics and encourage free exploration of ideas without being tied down to any particular branch of knowledge.

Whilst the general idea of these notes is to demonstrate how individual facts and notions connect, there might exist instances of smaller clusters of knowledge grouped together which are not directly accessible through links in existing notes. Here, the graph button is a useful tool to visualise the global structure of the content inside the repository.

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"An unexamined life is not worth living." - Socrates

Hello 👋🏻